These treats are perfect dessert toppers. A pinch of baking soda in the blanching water helps speed the process by softening the peels and eliminating...
When you're entertaining, you need a make-ahead dessert that wows. This rich confection takes just 15 minutes to prep, can be made up to a week in advance,...
The combination of flavors and textures in this pie is utterly irresistible: sweet-tart passion-fruit puree is amped up with condensed milk, then poured...
We love the combination of rich hazelnut shortbread (an easy press-in crust) and sweet-tart berry jam in this slab pie. Crumble more shortbread on top...
Here's a new take on cheesecake, only easier and in tart form. The no-bake cream-cheese filling floats on a crisp and buttery press-in crust. Top it with...
One of Santa's favorites, this cookie is dressed for the season with honey, cinnamon, and brandied golden raisins. You can substitute white chocolate with...
This cake may look plain, but inside, it's moist, dense, and intensely flavored. In other words, it's a chocolate lover's dream come true. The fact that...
Take a cue from the French and bake meringues in a rainbow of colors. Crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside, they're utterly irresistible. Start...
Maple syrup not only flavors this luscious cheesecake, but it also is brushed on thinly sliced pears that are broiled to create a very unique decoration...
Decadent indeed, this frosting is a chocolate lover's dream come true. Creme fraiche offsets some of the richness. Use it to frost vanilla cake (or chocolate...
The right ingredients make this decadent classic healthier, but every bit as delicious: Pureed sweet potatoes add moisture, sweetness, and a fudgy consistency;...
Combine homemade caramel, which you can make in about the time it takes to soften a pint of vanilla ice cream, with butter, peanuts and popcorn to make...
Sugar cookies turn magical when their centers are cut out and filled with chopped hard candies. As the dough bakes, the candy melts into a dazzling stained-glass...
In this classic American dessert, some crumb topping sinks as the pie bakes, making a cakelike layer between the molasses custard on the bottom and the...
A frozen almond extravaganza, this ice cream cake was inspired by Good Humor's Toasted Almond Bar: Almond cake layers are brushed with amaretto syrup and...
Bake some sweet hearts for your sweetheart. In a twist on traditional oblong eclairs, the light French pastry known as pate a choux is piped into heart...
Meringue is easy to form when wet but holds its shape after baking, so it's ideal for creating pastries in fanciful shapes. Chef Michel Richard, of Citronelle...
In this mini hummingbird cake version from Georgetown Cupcake founders, Katherine Kallinis and Sophie LaMontagne, cupcakes baked with banana, pineapple,...